Hi Resident,
Great idea's however my main concern is getting the siding done and to maintain a fiscal budget. I am more than willing to volunteer my time for yard duties etc. We can not and should not be spending money on other projects until the siding is moving forward. I would be more than happy to do yard work there and help in anyway I can to prevent spending.
Watersedge has to get the siding done. What many owners concern was how? We were misrepresented from the start. Enough said there because I could write an interesting essay.
Here is what is needed at Watersedge to help the community:
- Cost of construction report detailed with expenses of labor, materials, and General Contractor John Gilmore fee. This should be at the clubhouse so owners can see not just at RPM.
- Delinquency numbers current. Before we went to $350.00 a month the percent was about 25%.
- Foreclosure issue. The property values have dropped not just because of Clark County's real estate market. There absolutely needs attention here so we can get the values back to at least the year of 2002. This starts by preventing foreclosures because the properties are liquidated. There may be one next door or close to you because I saw a BPO being done on Saturday someone took a picture in the grass area of the C building. Foreclosures are a major problem and the values are not down just because of the siding.
- Communication is also one of the biggest problems at Watersedge so people just let there place go instead of being informed.
- There needs to be leadership there.
Thanks for reading. If you foresee any types of ways of creating volunteer work let me know. We could have a garage sale and generate money to buy bark dust and get people like me shoveling it. We could do lots of things to get things done. And we do not necessarily need to be spending money from the reserve account.
Best regards,
Bret Bucher