As many of you are aware, though purchasing a condo is similar to buying a single family residence, mortgages are more difficult to obtain for condominiums. Lenders impose different regulations and consider them higher risk, having to verify the fiscal and physical fitness of the project, resulting in higher interest rates. Below are a couple of guidelines that we touched upon in yesterday’s Tuesday meeting concerning respective programs and approved Condominium Project.
Conventional Warrantability:
No more than 10% units owned by one entity.
No more than 25% of square footage can be non-residential/commercial
Generally no less than 50% of units are used for investment purposes.
Check Fannie Mae approved Condo projects for Washington State here.
FHA Condo Approval:
No more than 50% units owned by one entity or used for investment purposes.
No more than 50% of square footage can be non-residential/commercial
Check a condo project’s FHA Approval here.
VA Condo approvals are subject to Veteran’s Affairs approval. Generally if a project is FHA approved, VA will also authorize lending there. This process can be several months in length. Contact one of us to see if a Condo Project is VA approved.
Non-Warrantable or FHA/VA Non-approved Condo projects may also be financed. At American Pacific Mortgage we have options for these types of condo projects as well. We have experience with Jumbo condo financing and financing for projects under litigation. Give one of us a call.
Thinking about buying call me as I am an owner and understand the property and the status, if you are thinking about selling your unit, please consider me as I know a lot about condominiumns and Waters Edge.
Bret Bucher
Real Estate Broker, Realty Pro Inc.
14201 NE 20th Ave Ste B102
Vancouver WA 98686
located in Salmon Creek, across from Albertsons.
Thinking about buying call me as I am an owner and understand the property and the status, if you are thinking about selling your unit, please consider me as I know a lot about condominiumns and Waters Edge.
Bret Bucher
Real Estate Broker, Realty Pro Inc.
14201 NE 20th Ave Ste B102
Vancouver WA 98686
located in Salmon Creek, across from Albertsons.